Bespoke workshops for in-company delivery

In case of learning, a public training course is one of the options for an individual. However, this is not cost-effective for groups, especially when the number become significant. Furthermore, public courses are based on a programme set by the learning service provider. Therefore, as an alternative, educational services are specifically developed for a dedicated team or even for the wider (or entire) organisation. In that case you can ask for a programme whereby each theme and topic is set by a close collaboration with the learning service provider. Tailored workshops can be made company-specific and market-specific. In the development phase it is key to identify the target group, the learning objectives and the preferred elements that need to be covered. This way, a fit-for-purpose programme is developed. Obviously, the way to deliver the programme is also key. A hands-on approach and practical applicability should be leading. Pragmatism and proven ability is a must for professionals who know what they want and need.

Any professional in the commodity or energy markets has to understand the business of the organisation being employed by, as well as the supply chain and the basics of wholesale markets. Besides, organisations in scope of market abuse regulations should create awareness with their insiders, in particular concerning inside information, and the obligation to publish it. Insiders must be able to identify when information can be classified as inside information, and how the cope with its sensitivity. Altogether, to comply with market abuse regulation and to prevent misconduct, one has to understand the setting in which things take place and to be able to interpret circumstances. This can only be achieved when, on top of knowledge building, skills are also optimised.